Effects of litter in Pinus caribaea stands on runoff and nitrogen and phosphorus losses 加勒比松林凋落物对地表径流和氮、磷流失的影响
The dynamic change of genetic parameters for growth traits of the first generation hybrids of Pinus taeda × P. caribaea in six years 火炬松×加勒比松F1代生长性状遗传参数的动态变化
The Early Performance of Pinus caribaea in the East and Northwest of Hainan Island 加勒比松在海南岛东部及西北部的早期表现
Progress of Hybrid Breeding of Pinus caribaea and Strategy for Future Development 加勒比松杂交育种现状及发展对策的探讨
Evaluation of Seed Quality Analysis of Pinus caribaea 加勒比松种子质量分析评估研究
Introduction and Cultivation of Pinus caribaea in China ⅰ. Introduction and Genetic Improvement 中国引种加勒比松Ⅰ.引种与遗传改良
A study of the age difference of Pinus caribaea growing in Guangdong Province affecting their juvenile wood properties 不同树龄对加勒比松早期材性影响的研究马尾松木材性状幼成过渡年龄及幼成相关
A study on physiological characteristics of drought resistance of Pinus caribaea 加勒比松耐旱性生理特征研究
Provenance Trial and Pests Control of Pinus caribaea 加勒比松种源试验及虫害防治
The radial variation patterns of wood density in 7 Pinus caribaea provenances from an experimental plantation in Guangxi Province were studied by X-ray wood densitometry. 以微密度分析对属三个变种的七个加勒比松种源的木材密度径向变异模式进行了研究。
So, it is of great value to propagate rapidly seedlings of Pinus elliottii × Pinus caribaea by the means of tissue culture. 因此,利用组织培养方法快速扩大繁殖杂交松种苗具有重要的意义。